The Black Lesbian, Stud, Feme and Everyone in Between

 We black lesbians 

are everywhere

 and yet we are hard to find

 on Social Media sites like Youtube. 

The media has something to say

 about everything and anyone. 

Yet there is little to no news about the Black Lesbian.

Is no news good news?

The black lesbian is the phantom. 

Her presence is felt and often feared.

She works in many professions. 

She pays her way through society. 

The stories of her history are buried. 

Media depicts her

as lost, mentally unstable

and sometimes unsure 

of her truth. 

It is time to get to know

the Black Lesbian. 

She is beautiful. 

She is smart. 

She can handle her own.

She is generous. 

She self-made. 

She has successes 

to share with the world. 

The time is now

for her to step out of 

the Shadows.


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